Thursday, October 14, 2010

Goodwill Hunting

Goodwill; what does that word mean to you?  Being kind to your fellow man?  Certainly, and that is about all I would have said up to about a year ago.  But now when you say Goodwill, I say, "Let's go!"   Shopping at Goodwill is a new joy in my life and I am not ashamed to admit it!  For years I was a fan of the place, but only because it was an easy answer to what to do with all the junk I cleaned out of my closet or garage a few times a year.  It felt a lot better to bring it to Goodwill than to throw it in the trash.  There is something cathartic about arriving there in a car loaded down with old sweaters, outdated shoes, and neglected sporting equipment and leaving minutes later with a tax receipt and an empty trunk.   And sort of fun to think that my discards might end up with a new, grateful owner.  Hey, you never know who might like that oversized Christmas sweater from the 80's or size 4 soccer cleats that Danny wore with pride for one season!

It is only in the past year or so that I began enjoying the other side of the Goodwill experience...the shopping.  I sometimes think it would be more accurate to call it treasure hunting as you really never know what you might find.  My friend Marie is a Goodwill professional and we often call one another to brag on our latest bargains.  My favorite finds so far?  A brown velvet jacket (Lands End brand) that I bought for $5 and a pair of leather clogs in pristine condition (Macy's brand) that I got for $1.  Oh, and most recently, a 27" television (with remote) that I found on a half price day.  Price guess?  $17.  Applause!!  It replaced the tv in our bedroom and is actually nicer than the one we had. 

The other thing that I love about Goodwill shopping is the atmosphere.  There is no "typical" Goodwill customer. I have seen senior citizens puttering around the housewares, children playing with the stuffed animals, and well dressed professionals browsing through the clothing racks.  And there is something about that experience, a bit of comradery as we are all on the hunt together.  No one is ever rude or pushy, just taking their time, respectfully standing elbow to elbow while searching for that special something.  Some of the employees have disabilities, and that just makes me love the place even more.  The other day I was browsing through some framed prints and a young male employee came over and asked if I was tired.  I told him that I was fine, but wondered why he asked.  He said that I looked like I just woke up (insulting if that came from anyone else, but this young man was so well meaning and pure of spirit that I just found myself laughing).  I assured him that I'd been up for hours getting my kids off to school and we had a nice discussion about the good and bad of being a parent.  He told me he was not going to have kids because they were too much trouble.  I smiled and said that sometimes I sure agreed with that!  Then I wondered if Sam could maybe work there one day.  It might be a great place for him to have a job, and hmmm, wonder if there is an employee discount could be extended to his mom?

Last week I stopped at a Goodwill in search of a mirror for our foyer.  Sure, I could find one at Target but that's not nearly as fun as a Goodwill quest!  When I parked the car I noticed a man sitting on the curb at the side of the building.  He was wearing full camoflauge and beside him was a bicycle loaded down with bags.  It was apparent to me that he was possibly homeless, all of his possessions being carried on two wheels.  A few minutes later he came into the store and wandered over to the corner of the store where I was shopping.  He crouched down and began talking to himself, and laughing, and looking at me furtively.   I just continued with my shopping, unconcerned for my safety, not at all annoyed with his muttering.  Afterall, this is Goodwill, and there is always plenty of that to go around.   


At 9:23 AM , Anonymous Kerin said...

STB! We would have appreciated such a place in college! Would love to join you on such a shopping spree if only we lived closer...


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